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Page Topic: Recipe for Stuffed Artichokes lost!!!
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#1: Recipe for Stuffed Artichokes lost!!! Author: lilbeesLocation: Georgia, USA PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 9:32 am
Somewhere in my move to Georgia I lost the Stuffed Artichoke recipe. It was stuffed with a mixture of Italian sausage and bread mixture. Does anyone have it. I know I roasted them in the oven but can't remember if I precooked the artichoke before stuffing. Any variation would be great too.


#2: Re: Recipe for Stuffed Artichokes lost!!! Author: nucciaLocation: Toronto, Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 2:09 pm
Oh lilbees..My Mom has a recipe for stuffed artichokes but it doesn't have Italian sausage in it. If you like, I can ask her.

#3: Re: Recipe for Stuffed Artichokes lost!!! Author: AetherLocation: Americas, Italy PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 2:41 pm
Nuccia and lilbees,

I have recipes for : Carciofi ripieni, Carcioli alla giudea, Carciofi in umido, Tortini di carciofi, etc. etc.

All authentic Ital. recipes. I believe you want the Carciofi ripieni. The recipe I have is with lingua salmistrata, or prosciuttto cotto. I guess you can use any other type of meat.

Should I post here, or better at "Amici..."?

Aether Wink

#4: Re: Recipe for Stuffed Artichokes lost!!! Author: nucciaLocation: Toronto, Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 2:46 pm
Its can post it here for now. Then you can post it again at Amici since I know there are different members there too. I'll look for them all!

Thanks! kiss

#5: Re: Recipe for Stuffed Artichokes lost!!! Author: gogangaLocation: North Italy PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 3:33 pm
Aether wrote:
Should I post here, or better at "Amici..."?

Aether Wink

Thanks for your kind thought, Aether! kiss

PS: sorry for my off-topic... Embarassed

#6: Re: Recipe for Stuffed Artichokes lost!!! Author: lilbeesLocation: Georgia, USA PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2008 8:08 am
Nuccia, any recipies are fine. I love the one with sausage but will certainly take any others.


#7: Re: Recipe for Stuffed Artichokes lost!!! Author: AetherLocation: Americas, Italy PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2008 10:14 am

Here is the recipe I have from an Italian cookbook. Hope it is OK.

Aether Wink

Carciofi ripieni.

Ingredienti per 4 persone: 8 carciofi di media grossezza – 100 gr di prosciutto cotto in una fetta sola – un rosso d’uovo – 1 mozzarella – 4 cucchiai di pangrattato fritto in burro – 4 cucchiai di parmigiano grattugiato - prezemolo tritato – olio q.b. – 1 limone – sale – pepe – per la cottura: I bicchiere circa di acqua – 2 cucchiate di olio – ½ dado.

Togliete i gambi,pareggiandole i fondi, le foglie dure e le spine ai carciofi e metteteli man mano in acqua acidulata con succo di limone.
Preparate il ripieno: tagliate a dadini molto piccoli il prosciutto e la mozzarella, in una terrina mescolateli con il panegrattato, il parmigiano, il tuorlo d’uovo, il prezzemolo, l’olio necessario a legare l’impasto, sale e pepe. Scocciolate bene i carciofi, allargate delicatamente le foglie e riempiteli al centro tra una foglia e l’altra con il ripieno preparato formando una piccola cupola in alto . Disponeteli racchiusi, ritti e vicini l’uno d’altro in una casseruola; aggiungete l’acqua e l’olio. Unite il dado, mettete il coperchio e lasciate cuocere lentamente in forno moderato per circa un’ora, bagnandoli di tanto in tanto con il liquido di cottura.
Se le preferite gratinati, togliete il coperchio negli ultimi minuti.

(By Lisa Biondi)

#8: Re: Recipe for Stuffed Artichokes lost!!! Author: lilbeesLocation: Georgia, USA PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2008 12:48 pm
pangrattato fritto in burro? What is this. I get the other ingredients but not this one.

When it comes to cooking its pretty easy to figure out a recipie.

So you use ham (proscietto) instead of Italian sausage. Sounds great! Lots of artichokes in the market so will be trying this one this weekend.

Will take more recipies if you have some. What Italian Cookbook? So many we have available are Americanized.


#9: Re: Recipe for Stuffed Artichokes lost!!! Author: AetherLocation: Americas, Italy PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2008 1:50 pm

It is just bread crust grated, fine. You can buy at any bakery, but better make your own. Use old french bread, grate and toast dry, keep in a jar in the refrigerator and use for many recipes - like veal milanese, etc.

For this recipe use a little butter heated in a skillet, add the bread and toast until golden. That's all. Hope you enjoy it.

Well, yesterday I had my last day of goofing around and now is back to work. Next goofing day will send another one...
Aether Wink

#10: Re: Recipe for Stuffed Artichokes lost!!! Author: AetherLocation: Americas, Italy PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2008 2:42 pm

Some prefer to use bread crumbs - soft white portion of the bread, but I prefer the other way. Bread crumbs tend to soak more butter and I find heavier. It depends on what you prefer.


#11: Re: Recipe for Stuffed Artichokes lost!!! Author: lilbeesLocation: Georgia, USA PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2008 4:40 pm
Using the old bread I agree is better. Do the same thing for most of my recipies.

From what I understand, the stuffed artichokes were my grandfather's favorite lunch.



Breaded veal is something all my kids and grandkids have learned to make. What is the difference with veal milanese? They are quite proud of their success. Making great meatballs and homemade Italian sausages rank very high with them and they are comfortable making it as well. At least another generation is covered.

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