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Page Topic: Need Translation Help Also
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#1: Need Translation Help Also Author: cresthaven2Location: Hudson Valley NY PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 5:38 pm
Seems like this is the week for letters and emails back from Italy regarding the search for my grandfather's records. This one I need some help with translating because I think they want a voluntary donation sent to the Arcidiocese of Potenza but are they sending the records or are they waiting for the donation first - what would be a good amount to send and how should I send it? Do they take paypal?

[i] rilascio dei 2 certificati a nome LAURITA FERDINANDO è stata evasa
pertanto in attesa di ricevere i 2 certificati ed avendo lei espresso
la volontà di inviare un contributo per la ricerca archivistica la
invitiamo ad utilizzare il seguente conto corrente bancario:
bancario presso UBI CARIME Potenza intestato a :
Coordinate IBAN : - IT 63
S 03067 04200 000000008402 -
con causale SPESE RILASCIO
CERTIFICATI> Fraterni saluti
> il Direttorte Emerito A.S.D.

Many thanks, Carol

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