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Page Topic: Italian to english from Argentina
-> Translations

#1: Italian to english from Argentina Author: Cathy PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 4:08 pm
Now the Argentinians are writing me in Italian! Shocked I am so confused! I received this email a day after I found marriage records on a couple mentioned in this email. How strange is that? This happens all the time and it is beginning to get a little scary! Can someone give me a loose translation of this? I don't need a word for word but I do need to know how these people he mentions relates to him. I am sure I will be emailing him documents soon. Thanks so much from both of us.

Mi chaiamo Federico Di Santo, sono argentino, abito a Buenos Aires.
Ti ho già scritto un volta. Anch'io ho antenati montaltesi. Ieri ho trovato un atto di nascita di un mio trisavolo, Francesco De Luca, del 1867. Francesco era figlio di Rosario (di Vincenzo) e di Carolina De Tommaso (di Pasquale).
Sul tuo sito ho appena trovato con molta emozione una sorella di Francesco, Angela De Luca (nata a Montalto nel 1869) e forse uno zio di Francesco, e una cugina.
Ti ringrazio molto per il tuo impegno su questo sito.
No so se ti ho già raccontato che Francesco si sposò a Bueno Aires, 16.11.1895 con Vicenzina Speranza (montaltesi pure, nata nel 1873, da Vincenzo e Teresina Matera). E nel 1897 nacque mio bisnonno Francisco a Buenos Aires. Francisco si sposò nel 1925 con mia bisnonna Serafina Di Gregorio (siciliana, di Nicosia, provincia di Enna) e nel 1926 nacque mia nonna Sara Vicenta De Luca (vivo con lei).
Non so se capisci l'italiano, e non credo che capisca lo spagnolo, succede però che con l'inglese io non me la cavo.
A presto e saluti.

#2: Re: Italian to english from Argentina Author: CaroleLocation: Valtellina - Near Lake Como PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 5:52 pm
Just doing it - back in a minute....

#3: Re: Italian to english from Argentina Author: CaroleLocation: Valtellina - Near Lake Como PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:14 pm
Carole wrote:
Just doing it - back in a minute....

My name is Federico Di Santo, I am Argentinian, I live in Buenos Aires.
I have already written to you once before. I too have Montaltese ancestors. Yesterday I found a birth act of one of my great-great-grandfathers, Francesco De Luca, of 1867. Francesco was the son of Rosario (of Vincenzo) and of Carolina De Tommaso (of Pasquale).
I have just, with much emotion, found on your site a sister of Francesco, Angela De Luca (born in Montalto in 1869) and maybe an uncle of Francesco, and a cousin.
I really thank you for your commitment on this site.

I don’t know if I have told you that Francesco was married in Buenos Aires 16.11.1895 with Vicenzina Speranza (also Montaltese, born in 1873, daughter of Vincenzo and Teresina Matera). And in 1897 my great grandfather Francisco was born in Buenos Aires. Francisco was married in 1925 to my great grandmother Serafina Di Gregorio (sicilian, from Nicosia, in the province of Enna) and in 1926 my grandmother Sara Vicenta De Luca was born ( I live with her).
I don’t know if you understand Italian, and I don’t think you understand Spanish, it follows though that I don’t manage well with English.

We’ll write soon and all the best

#4: Re: Italian to english from Argentina Author: Cathy PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:52 pm
Thanks Carole! I have lots more DeLuca stuff not online yet. I better get moving! Now, do I respond to him in Italian or spanish? Confused

#5: Re: Italian to english from Argentina Author: liviomorenoLocation: Rome (Italy) PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:31 am
I would respond in Spanish.

#6: Re: Italian to english from Argentina Author: nucciaLocation: Toronto, Ontario, Canada PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 10:29 am
Cathy wrote:
Thanks Carole! I have lots more DeLuca stuff not online yet. I better get moving! Now, do I respond to him in Italian or spanish? Confused

I think it doesn't matter since you can't speak or write either, anyways! LOL

I'm just kidding. Either way will be fine. Luckily we have wonderful people that can help translate for you in either language. Very Happy

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